Monday, 24 June 2013

The Windmill Farmer

The windmill farmer
One day there was a lonely man that lived on a hill in a ragged and jagged house. He was a windmill farmer. The day started when the man was planting windmills. He was very excited and he really hoped they grew. It was a shiny, glimmering autumn day and that's why he thought it would be a good season to plant his windmills. He was very tired, puffed and bored at the same time but he knew he needed to plant them. By the time it was afternoon he had planted them all. He went inside and sat by the fire in his chair and ate his supper, after that he went to bed.

The next day he got up all hopeful to see that the windmills grew! He was so joyful and very glad. He was also amazed how quickly they grew. Suddenly a bold rush of cold drafty wind stuck him. Katssssss! lightning stuck as fast as an electric blot. He was petrified as well as nervous. He begged as his windmills ripped of and blew away. He was so upset and disappointed. He stood there heart broken in the cold wet rain. He went inside feeling very down and weeped his way of to sleep.  

The day after he woke up feeling hopeless, he was thinking he would give up windmill farming for good. He still had a little bit of hope though. He walked out his door. He saw. . . . . Thousands of windmills going round and round! He almost had a heart attack. Everything was happening so fast. He was so happy.


  1. Wow neat story Sam I love your words you use. It was a bit sad and scary. I love the happy exciting ending too ! Your stories are getting better ! Awesome job !

  2. Wow neat story Sam I love your words you use. It was a bit sad and scary. I love the happy exciting ending too ! Your stories are getting better ! Awesome job !

  3. wow what a great story I like your blog back round
