Friday, 24 May 2013


Hypothermia is when the core body temperature drops to a level where normal brain and muscle function is impaired at or below 35៰C. When the body cannot bear it, it goes into survival mode which is not good, shutting down non- essential functions. Hypothermia occurs when the body can’t make up for the amount of heat loss.

Prevent hypothermia.
Want to know how to prevent hyperthermia?
If you have damp or wet cloths take them off immediately or drink heaps of hot liquids, if you are going tramping make sure nothing is leaking because the it will make your bag wet and then your back.

signs / symptoms.
Hyperthermia has signs t also hat help you know when there got it such as: shivering, slow shallow breathing, confusion and memory loss, drowsiness or exhaustion, slurred or mumbled speech.

Treating hypothermia.
It is possible to treat hypothermia by doing these thing: Remove any wet cloths, protect the person from any wind, drafts and further heat loss. Move the person gently to a warm dry shelter as soon as possible and you can also let them rest by a fire or offer them a hot drink.

Cold shock
Cold shock is when a person is rapidly chilled, e.g. falling into cold water. Hypothermia is not immediate concern as the core takes up to 30 minutes to become hypothermic.
Several reactions happen when suddenly immersed all of a sudden in cold water or chilled water.
  • Uncontrolled gasping.
  • Hyperventilation.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Blood is shutted.
  • Hard skin.

Always wear warm clothes and be aware of bad chills or cold water, especially if you're on a snowy or high hill.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sam,
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