Jungle season 1 episode 1
“Sam here” “ Welcome to this weeks survival guide. Here we take a look in the survival jungle on Raine Island, Lets look at the fierce Lion, Wow look at him.
How about taking a look at a Hippo, Hear him growl at the survival crew:
Oh no this does not look good, a group of hippos attacking an alligator 
Let's take a look at the animals of the jungle:”
- Aardvark
- Antelope
- Armadillo
- Baboon
- Bears
- Bison
- Cheetah
- Chimpanzee
- Cougar
- Deer
- Elephant
- Fox
- Giraffe
- Gorilla
- Hedgehog
- Hippopotamus
- Hyena
- Coyote
- Koala Bear
- Rhinoceros
- Lemur
- Leopard
- Lion
- Lynx Cats
- Mongoose
- Monkey
- Red Panda
- Skunk
- Tiger
- Wild Dogs
- Wolverine
- Wolves
- Zebras
List of Jungle Birds
- Coraciiformes
- Falconiformes
- Galliformes
- Piciformes
- Strigiformes
Insects and Other Terrestrial Arthropods found in Jungle
- Ants
- Bees
- Beetles
- Butterflies
- Dragonflies
- Moths
- Termites
- Wasps
- Centipedes
- Millipedes
- Scorpions
- Spiders
Reptiles in the Jungle
- Alligator
- Crocodile
- Lizards
- Snakes
- Turtles
“Wow thats a lot of animals, we are going to camp here on Raine island". "We are going to set up the 12 man tent for me and the survival crew, 11 crew plus me, just enough"." We will set the tent up by a big native New Zealand Aka tree, three eggs are up in that tree"." The crew and I will try not to disrupt them or make the mother bird angry"." It’s almost night time we are getting the tent up, getting the camp fire ready to go, make up the air beds and blowing it up, grabbing the rest of the stuff like torches, danger whistle, clothes, air beds, shoes, sleeping bags, food, other blankets, day packs, hats, toiletry and more"." It is getting close to Six O’clock we better make a meal for dinner, we also have dessert"." Ice cream, jelly, peaches and pavlova with sprinkles and chocolate chips"." I wonder if we should go to bed now, well I am going to bed".
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